THERE is no one-step cure-all when it comes to tackling mold in your home. A professional cleaner revealed the three steps she swears by for mold removal. In her viral video, Bea (@cleanwithbea) ...
TikTok user Bea showed her followers the three-step method she uses to tackle mold in the homeCredit: TikTok/cleanwithbea In her viral video, Bea (@cleanwithbea) broke down each of her steps as ...
As time goes on, your toilet can start to accumulate high amounts of mold, yeast and germs. Charles Gerba, Ph.D., a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics in the Department of Environmental ...
Q: I’ve just turned on the air conditioner for the summer but have yet to get comfortable. The appliance circulates air, but nothing refreshingly chill. My air conditioner is not cooling at all.
Vinegar is like a magical concoction. I use it in the kitchen to clean the drain and I spritz it on the showerhead to remove ...
Bleach also can discolour your mattress, even if you use it on a white mattress it will start to fade or turn yellow. Bleach ...
Ice cubes are simple, right? You freeze water and drop it in your drink. According to our expert, it's not that simple, and ...
Knowing all the places you're probably forgetting to clean in your bathroom is key to keeping it fresh and bacteria-free. Our team of cleaning experts will guide you through the 12 most commonly ...
This story appears in the February 2019 issue of National Geographic magazine. Ketchup—that cheerful red sauce sold in handy glass bottles—first came on the American market in the 19th century.